
Do you want to rent tools in the region Eindhoven? At one of the bo-rent locations in Eindhoven we always have the suitable tools for a low price ready for you.

Check Search by postcode to see if the location Meerenakkerweg 12 Eindhoven or Ruysdaelbaan 31 Eindhoven is the most convenient for you.

When you are on the road, you can also make a reservation very easily and quickly by telephone up to 1 hour before renting a tool. The bo-rent locations in Eindhoven have been specialized in tool, car and bus rental for years.


Bo-rent Eindhoven

Meerenakkerweg 12
5652AV Eindhoven
P: 040-2552750
F: 040-2552925
Ruysdaelbaan 31
5613DX Eindhoven
P: 040-2373007
F: 040-2373334